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Artists take the lead

National Theatre ceased operation for the first time in its history

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This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

The National Theatre Drama School teachers resigned en masse to protest the Presidential Decree undermining Drama School studies. Protests, theatre squats, and more resignations followed, yet the government remains intransigent.

A new amendment was voted in, allegedly for blocking a far-right party led by the convicted ex-Golden Dawn member Kasidiaris, raising fears that due to the vagueness of its provisions can lead to the banning of any party not to the liking of a specific establishment.

The overturning of landmark Top Court decision protecting debtors from vulture funds was overturned by a new Top Court ruling which provides that these funds can proceed with auctions of debtors' assets. This did not come as a shock as the government had directly intervened through the Bank of Greece to overturn this decision.

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