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Can Von Der Leyen hang out at Mitsotakis’ house?

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This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

The Greek PM finally spoke of football fan Michalis Katsouris' murder by Croatian neonazi hooligans. Only he did not mention once they were neonazis. “They killed him over football,” Greek mainstream media had said back in 2013 in those shocking first hours after the murder of antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas by the Golden Dawn.  

How legit is it for the President of the European Commission to be hosted by the Greek PM for her vacation in the country since the ND government has been connected with pushbacks and the wiretapping scandal? How objective can she be?

Finally, Greek citizens were trapped for hours under some 38 degrees Celcius on the Korinth-Athens highway after a tank truck caught fire. No emergency plans on Greek roads. Luckily, there were no victims.  

Can these authorities fight football violence

since they even refrain from calling things by name? 

If there is one thing to emphasize on the stance of the Greek government on the murder of the Greek football fan Michalis Katsouris, it is that they persistently refrained from referring to the perpetrators as neonazi hooligans - an actual death squad. Their rhetoric carefully referred just to ‘football violence.’

Would they have refrained from calling anarchists anarchists? Or calling terrorists? 

“Wildfires and a football violence incident marked the summer - Yet, our people were always taking courage from Madonna,”

the President of Democracy Katerina Sakellaropoulou stated (Opens in a new window) in the same line on the Virgin Mary festive day on 15th August.

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