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Listen with your soul.

A short “end of Aquarius season” inspired message and reflection before we enter Pisces Season later today. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Listen to your body, heart, the subtle shifts.

Pause. Reflect with me on the past season and how you can ease into Pisces Season.


  • Venus travels into the underworld, taking us on a journey to reflect on (self)love, our relationship with the area in our chart she travels through (let me know (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) if you need help finding the house)

  • the eclipses, a portal that takes us into magical (inner) realms to show us what we’re here to (un)learn, transform, dream and create — it’s a time where truth can’t be unseen

  • we begin a new astrological year with the spring equinox, the sun entering Aries - moving into spring (I can’t wait to see Granada in full bloom, and witness humans grow and unfold, too!)

  • Neptune moves into Aries, starting a new (very long) cycle through the zodiac - when outer planets change signs, especially into a fire sign, we can feel the shifts collectively — looking at history through this lens is so interesting

  • Saturn moves into Aries, too! Think RESET, responsibility, restriction, potential. Joining Neptune: let’s dream and draw it into very practical steps to liberate ourselves

You get why I feel like reflection and pausing feels like good idea?

Pisces season will include

  • Mars stationing direct next week, Monday 24th, in Cancer, finally bringing back some forward movement. It’s not about faster, higher, bigger, but flow, following your insights and passion

  • the New Moon in Pisces February 28th

and some of what I mentioned already above.

Back to the past season.

I’m still in awe, equally shocked, of how much of the Aquarius themes I’ve moved through, “had to” in a way. Let me explain:

Looking back I recognise that wanting to explore different ways of living for so long, wanting to be part of (a) community and to co-create decreased my focus on my individual needs, gifts, values, dreams and boundaries.

Aquarius in its highest expression pours wisdom, life force into the collective, the group, thrives by being her/himself, authentic.

The mission is to serve humanity, from a place of love. To be a revolutionary change agent. Focus on enlightenment. Freedom as an evolutionary path (what does it mean to be, feel free? from what?). Transcend.

The lower frequencies are: overly living in the mental realm, detached from the present, emotions. Spiritual bypassing. Denying shadow, avoiding depth, emotional realm. Disconnected from body and emotions. Extremely sensitive.

My favourite (weird) question my astrology teacher asked:

Who would you be as a lone wolf? What would you do? If no one cared? On a lonely island?

Don’t focus on “loneliness”, if it comes up though, it might be interesting to spend some time with yourself and explore how you could enjoy being with yourself - or what’s in the way.

Aquarius reminds us of our intuition.

And that everything is energy, consciousness.

In order to access our intuition we have to drop into the heart, clear the vessel that we are, so energy can flow. This is one of the reasons why meditation, kriya, journaling became so essential for me. To clear, empty, (re)connect, align.

We accumulated so much over the course of our lives, we take in so much, every single day.

How can we listen and trust more “easily” when there are SO MANY layers of fear, doubt, information, opinions, stuck energy (emotions), beliefs? If we can’t cut through the noise and hear our own truth?

How can we connect to the loving, compassionate voice within if every time we sit down to meditate all the doubts, to do’s, memories, fears and worries come up?

I encourage you to reflect on that, sit, journal, empty out, embracing what is, instead of wanting it to be different, meet yourself with compassion. And honesty. And if you need assistance, you know where/ how to find me.

Here are some more questions:

  • Who am I? (a classic, I know)

  • Do you need a group to know who you are? aren’t?

  • Do you allow yourself to experiment, discover new ways? Trust your intuition?

  • Did you meet the fear of being different? How you’re perceived? Be judged? Laughed at?

  • What does it mean to be authentically you?

  • Can you be yourself in a group? In relationships, spaces, situations?

Let me know if you want to dive deeper into this, I’m creating a new group journey, starting March 20th.

And we’ll reflect & release on March 13th with the full moon, a week before the new astrological year begins.

I hope this serves you in some way.

Much love,


Sujet sun and moon musings

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