Are you ready to face yourself?
Dear Creatrix,
Today, Iâd like to invite you on a journey.
Have you ever thought about your life in its entirety?
Do you have a plan for the next year, the next three years, what you will be doing and how youâd like to feel before you die?
What are the things youâd still like to do, feel, express and experience?
This is what weâve been thinking about in the last week in the CREATRIX School. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)
And Iâm telling you, itâs not easy to admit to yourself what you wish for in life. But once you overcome the initial resistance, it feels incredibly good.

Working on my plan and laying my whole life out in front of me (and my dog, Tobby) does also feel like an incredible privilege.
And it is one for which we physically donât need much, just a piece of paper, a pen and a computer or phone with an internet connection - if youâre creative enough, pen and paper is really all.
But what we do need is to allow ourselves to take our life into our own hands and to decide and live what is right for us, and to not give that decision up to fate or somebody else.
I know that in my past, I would have been tempted to say, who am I to think I know better whatâs right for me than god/the universe/fate.
But when we begin to understand how energy works, we see that what happens to us always depends on how we are and how we see the world and which vibrations we send out into the world.
So, Iâd much rather consciously choose mine, and create my world and experiences accordingly, than being left to react to those Iâm programmed to reproduce and thus the reality Iâm presented with because I created it without even being conscious that I did.
And on this journey we can see everything that comes up in life as a teacher.
One of the things I saw more clearly than ever in the last week, was the fact that every person is a mirror.
If something that another person says or does, makes me feel hurt or offended, itâs because Iâve not yet healed that part of myself.
Once I have, no one has power over me any more and Iâm free.
Or a little more free in that area.
And if you donât believe me, you can easily test that for yourself.
If somebody calls you a coward, for example, and you know yourself well enough to know thatâs not true, you can just shrug and move on, and it wonât affect you.
When youâre not sure, however, if they are right or whether what they say is true or not, what they say bothers you.
You donât trust yourself and your own judgement, and you also donât know if you can trust them.
If thatâs the case, the only way to get out of the uncomfortableness of that feeling is to condemn them, for having interrupted you and your life and to continue as before, until the next time somebody calls you a coward, and it makes you insecure again because you still donât know what to think about it.
Or you can break the circle of uncertainty and examine your life and see who is right about you â and that person obviously should be you â because youâll be with you for the rest of your life and if you donât trust yourself, you wonât be able to trust anyone else either.
So it helps us to acknowledge that weâve clearly hit a blind spot and pause for a second and find out what is really going on.
When we allow ourselves to enter on this journey, of self-discovery, life becomes so much easier and so much more fun and every time we look within, and find an answer, we begin to trust ourselves more.
Now when you look within, and you find out that they were right, that you are or were acting like a coward, then you can find out why that is, what that really means and if this is how you want to continue to go through life or not.
If you decide it is how you intend to continue to go through life, then all is well, and you can own your cowardliness because you believe itâs the best way for you to be in the world.
And next time someone calls you a coward, you can also just shrug and go on.
Or, if you decide you want to change, all you have to do is decide how you want to react and be the next time that you are in a similar situation and practice that in your mind.
(Really this works, professionals in music and sports and more and more âregularâ people use this all the time - just try it.)
Maybe you are also interested in finding out where your behaviour came from and ready to compassionately meet yourself there, to heal that wound or change that belief where it originated, but this is not necessary for creating a different outcome.
For that, you simply have to decide how you want to react in the future and practice that (in your mind).
And hereâs the other thing:
Whether you decide to take responsibility for the situation and find the answer and certainty within, or whether you decide to blame others and continue to run into the same problems, the decision is always yours.
Whatever you decide will, however, determine the course of your life.
And not making a conscious decision is simply deciding to let things go on as they are.
Iâve been asked a couple of times in the recent weeks, if going through life so consciously isnât exhausting, but my answer is always the same:
Itâs much less exhausting to invest the time to find clarity about something and then live with that certainty until we get new information and can make a better decision, than it is going through life wondering if Iâm right or wrong, if other people are right or wrong, or whatâs right or wrong in general.
And I do also remember the times when I honestly thought other people might know better who I am or what I am, or that they might see something in me that I canât see or whatever â because I didnât trust myself to step up for myself and be there for myself.
But this is never true â other people can always just see a reflection of themselves in us, they canât see things they donât know from themselves and if they give unsolicited advice â they donât do it because they are healed and centred in themselves, but driven by ego and want something from us â not necessarily consciously, yet they do.
There is nothing to fear once we know who we are, what we need and like, and where our boundaries are â and learning these things is what we do in the CREATRIX School (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).
This is the reason why we had a look at our lives and at our death last week.
Because when we look at these things consciously, we take away the fear, and we find the clarity we need to create the lives we want.

Have you ever been up on a mountain or in an aeroplane looking down at the mountains, the lakes, the houses, the rivers, the streets?
Recognizing the structures of the cities we live in, how people are moving in one direction, and then another, the synchronicities of when the lights go on and off and how it seems so much less personal when youâre looking at it from the outside, or above, than when youâre face-to-face with it?
When we create a plan for our lives, when we map it out in front of us and see it all on a piece of paper, we give ourselves the freedom to create our life â instead of letting it run on autopilot.
To decide what we want to have when we die, what we would like to have in the next three years, in the next ten years and this year and then learning how to break it down so that we can start creating what we want RIGHT NOW â sets us free.
If we choose freedom, we do, however, have to put in the work to consciously decide what we want and wish for, and face the reality that we have often decided against ourselves until now.
It does feel like anything is possible, though â because it is.
And you have all it takes.
The only question is, are you ready to face yourself?

Letâs Make a Plan
In this lesson, we look at how becoming our best-self, doesnât mean that we are not perfect already, but that we, ourselves, have to see that we are indeed perfect already and can trust ourselves a lot more than we might currently think.
read more (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Why What We Think Matters so Much
In this lesson, we explore why it is so important to dream big, and not to let the fear of disappointment limit us.
read more (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

How to Reach any Goal
In this lesson, I share the sacred blueprint with you that you can use to reach any goal, personal or global.
read more (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)
Iâll be back with more next week - because these are our lives and this is our world and its fate is in our hands.
Yours and mine.
I love you, we can do this â€ïž