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Greetings from the sea 🌊

My dear friend,

How has your week been?

I travelled to the sea last Sunday, and I have to say, I forgot how good it can be to look at things/life/ work from a different place.

As this is a mix of work and holiday for me, I was amazed how much more I got done in a shorter amount of time here, so I could enjoy the sea and nature around here as well, and how my new perspective helped me to simplify things for myself.

So here’s to more changed perspectives.

I actually finished my Wheel of Colours (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) Oracle Cards Deck this morning and I can’t wait to start using it.

And of course, we’ve been proceeding with the CREATRIX School (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) and exploring the purpose of life (and I really feel like I’m living it here, being in the sea at least with my feet every day) and our unique gifts, talents and strengths.

If you’d like to explore this as well, join us!

It is so much fun. ❀ (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

And here are some pictures from the sea:

What we did in the CREATRIX School (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) last week:

(S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Tools for Self-Recognition II: Numerology

After finding out more about ourselves through Astrology, we focus once again on what else is possible for us, when we begin to look at what’s great about ourselves instead of what’s wrong with us ;).

It really makes such a huge difference.

And then we use numerology to recognize ourselves even more and to consider the possibility of inviting in a new (nick) name into our lives, to help strengthen the qualities we would like to cultivate more from now on.

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(S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Tools for Self-Recognition III: Wheel of Colours

Let’s dive a little deeper into getting to know ourselves.

This time we will use the Wheel of Colours to recognize more aspects of ourselves, and I’ll also show you how to use your Wheel of Colours to support you in the changes you’d like to create in your life.

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(S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Visualise yourself!

I bet that you already see yourself in many new ways and that you are getting more confident and proud of who you are already.

Today, we are going to add one more exercise to help us see our excellent qualities and superpowers and to find out how to best use them for the highest good of all.

read more (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

So, I hope you have a lovely rest of the Sunday and enjoy living your purpose as much as I do. Or join the CREATRIX School (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) if you don’t know how to do that yet. <3

Love, Verena (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

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