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Will we ever be glad to be grey?

Going Grey? Rather pull out your nails with pliers than Go Grey? Totally conflicted? Wish you didn't care but...? Me too

My grey hair goals: Liz Evans, Sarah Harris and Claudia (@Cloudeeyah) all taken from Instagram

I think I always knew I would Go Grey. Sorry, that sounds ridiculous. What I mean to say is, I think I always knew that when the once much-loathed and then much-loved ginger started to fade I would concede defeat and go with it – if not gracefully, then at least begrudgingly. But I had no idea how hard it would be; the pang that would greet me when I caught site of my reflection passing a mirror or a shop window, or when direct light bleached me out even further on a Zoom call. Who was that beige woman in the bottom right hand corner? How could she possibly be me?

I had no idea it would drive me to stop dressing head to toe in black and tentatively experiment with colour; that I would ditch my beloved smoky eyes and start dabbling with red lipstick instead. 

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