Balanced territorial development and the triple transition
June 2024
In April the European Commission published the 9th Cohesion Report (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). It presents a wealth of analytical results on the state of economic, social and territorial cohesion. Besides being a good reference document when discussing cohesion, it also provides insights on future strategic orientations. One of the key messages is to continue delivering economic progress and to ensure that no places are left behind, Cohesion Policy must adapt and modernise. This concerns the support of the triple digital, green and demographic transition, as well as the need for further improving governance and policy coordination across all levels of governance.
Some key messages
Summarising the full wealth of information presented in the 9th Cohesion Report goes beyond the scope of a blog post. Therefore, the following will only highlight some selected findings and conclude with suggestions related to the implementation of Cohesion Policy post 2027 and the expressed need for a more balanced territorial development.
The EU is at a pivotal juncture, navigating through the green, digital and demographic transitions with an eye towards sustainable development and competitiveness on the global stage. As these transformations unfold, they unveil a complex web of mutual interplays and opportunities tempered by the need for profound structural changes.
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