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September (Week 36 & 37)

Welcome to the Cosmic Chaos. Welcome new Members ♡.

Hey lovely creatures,

how are you feeling? Are you ok and in a good flow or do you struggle with the intense and really transformative energies?
The last two weeks brought a lot of insights, great opportunities and challenging moments. I went from happy to angry and from gratitude to anxiety. As Leo season ended and Virgo just started, I wanna bring up one last time the Ego topic. As Virgo is the last inner sign, focused on itself, it’s a good time to ask ourselves, who do we serve and why?
The New Moon can help a lot to set intentions for new routines, structure and healthy habits. I hope this New Moon will awake your healing power and embrace your patience and reliability. Bath in nature and give yourself a moment of relaxation for body, mind and soul.

I’m looking forward to welcome you to another New Moon Circle at Movement Social Club today.
May this newsletter find you well and bring interesting news and facts.

Love Skai

And now let’s start ...

But before…

Here is a spread for Virgo New Moon:

Lets share our spreads in the community when you feel like you wanna share it.


Wishing you all two gentle weeks and good moods. Enjoy the news <3


For the New Moon Circle tonight at movement social club:
2 spots left til 2pm (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Check out the new Classes and upcoming events at Movement Social Club. Meet familiar and new faces, dive into cool topics, experience powerful or mindful sessions enjoy gentle and holistic wellness.

For readings and spiritual consultations with me:

NEW OFFER (start around Mabon - fall equinox) ❤️‍🔥

You love Tarot, self-reflection and shadow work?
Send me a mail with: “Waiting list” and be the first to get the infos about my new online retreat to bring order in your inner chaos and balance your light and your darkness.

AND last but not least:

The SACRED INK RITUAL will combine Tarot, Meditation, Witchcraft (Sigil Magick), Breath Work and Tattooing.

Starting with a Tarot reading and a meditation related to the reading. This helps us to find your real wishes, intentions or needs. Creating your own and individual sigil together and finalizing the ritual with a tattoo session to awake the magick of the symbol.
Choose: Protection, Healing, Fulfillment and much more.
Send me a mail and make a reservation for one a Sacred Ink Ritual. Experience a unique journey to your inner needs and wishes and the next level of intention setting.


Wishing you lots of magical moments.

Much love


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