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April / May News (Week 18)

Beloved Creature. Here are the weekly news from your COSMIC CHAOS CLUB

Tarot - Moon Wisdom - Events - Witchy Tip - Cosmic News

Wishing you all a gentle week, sunny bank holiday and good moods.

Did you heard about the Fools journey?

When you read Tarot, you can remember the meaning of the cards in a better way if you have a story behind them. When we learn the major arcana, we talk about the journey of the fool. It all starts here and ends with the World, which is the gateway to another cycle, chapter in your life.

The Fool is the fresh start, a new beginning and endless possibilities. We can call it the birth or the white page but it can also be a big change. Everything can happen, nothing is predicted. It is up to you and your decisions, how this new start will look like. Do you trust? Will you expand your horizon? Will you listen more active to you inner voice (instincts)? Are you willing to take some risks?

The Fool comes also with some sweet characteristics. The childish or naive one. The Yes-sayer. The spontaneous and curious one. The Fool wants to discover everything and enjoys the freedom. Challenging can be the nosy and not so serious energy. It reminds us, to think first, before directly starting a new adventure. But it also reminds us, that sometimes it is necessary to take some risks.

The Fool represents the planet Uranus (Spontaneous, unpredictable, recklessness, freedom). So whenever the Fool comes up, there are waiting a lot of opportunities, adventures or changes.

Moon Wisdom

Monday-Tuesday: Capricorn
Now we feel a greater sense of duty and are more rational. A certain seriousness resonates. We are more resilient and tend to work more.

Good for:
Swimming, massages, stretching, dyeing hair brown shades, skin care, short haircuts, moisturizing the skin, nail care, shaving and removing hair (armpits and bikini), signing contracts, cuddles

(Capricorn represents legs, knees, joints and bones)

Tuesday-Thursday: Aquarius
We may feel a bit erratic and adventurous and sponatnity can help to broaden our horizons and create some order internally. Good time to network.

Good for:
Dancing, going out, cleaning, washing hair, painting

(Aquarius represents lower legs, calves and veins)

Thursday-Saturday: Pisces
These days we feel more sensitive and receptive to the feelings of others. We tend to indulge in romantic memories or dream worlds.

Good for:
Watering plants, enjoying time together with cuddles, drinking a lot, painting, foot massage

(Pisces represents feet, toes, heels, nervous system)

Saturday-Sunday: Aries
Now we feel a greater sense of duty and are more rational. A certain seriousness resonates. We are more resilient and tend to work more.

Good for:
Cleaning the house, oily hair treatments, dyeing hair red shades, hair tip care, cutting curly hair, fertilize plants

(Aries represents head, brain, eyes, teeth, senses)


This week you will find me (cosmic chaos) and the schedule of the movement social club here:

Movement Social Club:
Monday 29th: Vinyasa Flow with Barbara 6-7pm

Tuesday 30th: Power Yoga with Barbara 6-7pm

Wednesday 1st May: Energizing Yoga Flow with Anja 8-9am
Vinyasa Flow with Barbara 6-7pm

Saturday 4th: Yoga and Dance with Barbara - Start 12pm

For Booking with Movement Social Club - check out Momoyoga for Movement Social Club.


Wednesday 1st: TAROT NIGHT with Skai Addams @zumStarkenAugust
Start: 8:30pm

Thursday 2nd: Release and Relax with Skai Addams 7-8pm

Friday 3rd: KISMET Esoteric Shop - Witchy consultations and Tarot Talk with Skai Addams 3-7pm

For Bookings with me:

Check out Momoyoga Cosmic Chaos Club

Witchy Tips

Wednesday: dedicated to Mercury (the Roman god of commerce, eloquence, travelers, communication, messengers, and trickery). He also guided people into the Underworld. Wednesday’s are wild and good for communication, change and arts. If you plan meetings, important calls or paperwork, Wednesdays are great for this. Also for traveling, selling things and learning languages. In Greek Mythology, Hermes represents the Messenger.
Here are some more witchy tips about Wednesday and the Mercury energy.

Chakra Meditation is a great practice to start your Wednesday. They all will benefit from it in their own way:
Root Charka: more trust in your visions, Agility, enhances adaptability and flexibility

Sacral Chakra: promoting empathy, understanding, and flexibility in communication, encourages creativity and versatility in expression

Solar Plexus Chakra: make decisions with confidence and take more actions, communicate assertively and diplomatically, expressing thoughts and ideas with clarity

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