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Happy Thursday, dolls! 💖

We hope you’ve been having a good week! Here’s all the new content on The Dollhouse we can’t wait to share with ya!

Let’s get into it

Kenzie TTH is Capturing Every Day Life in the Robin Hood Music Video

“This song has an optimism that I really try to tap into when I’m running low on vibes. There’s a wistfulness about it that really evokes those feelings, and I tried to capture that in the video.”

Kenzie TTH shares her new single Robin Hood!

Watch here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Sick Sad Girlz on Looking After Yourself During the Holidays

Sick Sad Girlz have compiled a handy guide on how to look after yourself this holiday season!

Read the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Beauty Archivist: The Enduring Gothic Glamour of The Addams Family

For this month’s Beauty Archivist Grace Ellington takes a look at the iconic gothic looks of Wednesday and Morticia Addams.

Read the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

How to Survive Xmas with Ms Sharon Le Grand and Fi McCluskey

In the wise words of our favourite festive pair: MOVE YOUR BUM! WIGGLE YOUR HIPS! SHAKE YOUR TITS! BECAUSE IT’S
 CHRISTMAS BITTTCHH!! That’s right gang, we have Ms Sharon Le Grand and Fi McCluskey on the Dollhouse this week to give their top tips on surviving the season.

Read and watch here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Polyester Team End of Year Picks

As the end of the year draws to a close we’re sharing our favourite Polyester moments from 2022!

Read the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Trading Cards is the Editorial Tackling the Construction of Identity

Skyli Alvarez explores identity, embodying five made-up characters: (1) Amber Vaughn, a west coast diva from the early aughts; (2) Antonio Tex, a troubled boxer; (3) an extraterrestrial party-alien; (4) Elle Jones, a warehouse rave regular; and (5) Joey Belvedere, an eighties Blitz Kid.

See the full editorial here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Queer Whore Collective: The Appropriation of Sex Work Culture in Queer Nightlife Pt. 2

“At the moment, screaming sex work is work is trendy. Dressing up in clear heels and skimpy stripper outfits, is #cute. But all too often civilians have no understanding of the weight this work carries.”

Queer Whore Collective is back for the second instalment of exploring the appropriation of sex work in queer night life.

Read the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

The (Bad) Taste Test: Dragula and the Joy of Monstrous Queerness

Drag. Filth. Horror. Glamour. Sam Moore celebrates the reality TV show for monsters, weirdos, and outsiders.

Read the full essay here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Glad Rags: BEKA on Authenticity

Get your glad rags on gang! Glad Rags is a column where we chat to some of our favourite musician's about their best garms. This week we’re joined by BEKA!

Read the full interview here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

See ya next week!


The Polyester Team <3

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