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Happy Thursday, dolls! 💖

We hope you’ve been having a gorgeous week! There’s lotsss of new content up on The Dollhouse this week that we can’t wait to share!

Let’s get into it

Beauty Archivist: Cabaret’s Makeup is an Argument Against Winged Eyeliner

This month’s Beauty Archivist column by beauty editor Grace Ellington is on the theatrical looks of Cabaret (1977), the iconic musical drama starring Liza Minnelli!

Read the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Glad Rags: NonĂŽ On Going Back To Your Roots

Get your Glad Rags on! Glad Rags is a column where we chat to some of our favourite musician's about their best garms. This week we’re joined by London-based Brazilian pop artist Nonî!

Listen to the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Shahed Ezaydi's The Othered Woman is an Essential Addition to Intersectional Feminism Discourse

Muna Ahmed interviews writer and journalist Shahed Ezaydi on her upcoming book The Othered Woman: How White Feminism Harms Muslim Women, a contemporary collection of essays that expose the harm which the white feminist movement has inflicted, and continues to inflict, upon Muslim women worldwide.

Read the full piece here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Lovelle On Accessing Emotions Through Music

From the unique sounds of South East London to accessing emotions through music, Gina Tonic chats to musician and model Lovelle about her new single ‘I Can’t Stop Thinking Bout U’, an emotional track on overcoming recent heartbreak, as well as her dream musical collaborations.

Read the full interview here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

In Defence Of Skinny Jeans: How Microtrends Aren’t Dictating Our Actual Style

From twee to indie sleaze to fairycore, the internet is pushing the trend cycle like there’s no tomorrow. Isabella Venutti explores how skinny jeans went from being sported by cool millennials to being a punchline for Gen Z, but yet they still remain

Read the full essay here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

"Pearl" and The Internet's Obsession with Feminine Rage

Kleigh Balugo writes about Pearl , everyone’s new favorite female manipulator, and why the slasher by Ti West is seen as so relatable for it’s female audience.

Read the full essay here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Sick Sad Girlz: How To Deal With A Friendship Break-up

Ever fallen out with your bestie? Kenzie and Rosa are here to help! This month’s Sick Sad Girlz advice column is all about the complexities of the friend break-up.

Read the full column here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

See ya next week!


The Polyester Team <3

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