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Dmitri Aliev: “I dedicated my entire life to figure skating”

Dmitri Aliev, 25, is a poet on ice. His programs are beautiful stories carved into the ice, full of emotions. Dmitri is a Russian Champion, European Champion, a World and Olympic competitor. Like all the other Russian figure skaters, he has been banned from international competition since March 2022 but he keeps competing inside Russia and belongs to the top Russian men. He came fourth at the 2024 National Championships.

How is your preparation for the season going right now?

Dmitri: The preparation for the season is going quite unconventionally for me, perhaps I’m entering the season a little late, because of a knee injury I sustained at the end of the last season. I am still struggling with this condition, undergoing some medical procedures and so on. Of course, I want the injury to recede into the background as soon as possible, so that I could start the training process in full force, but now (the work) is so chaotic, and so to speak, floating. The injury gives me a little rollback mentally. Although I want to do more and more in the training process, my leg does not allow me. But I am trying to overcome this now. As they say, sport is not an easy thing. Well, we are going into the season with a fighting spirit, but not smoothly, let’s say.

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