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Welcome to “Lied can Fly”

Welcome to “Lied can Fly”, one of the first podcasts for contemporary art song worldwide. I am deeply thankful to be able to maintain this support platform on steady. The German podcast “Lieder können fliegen” just passed 15000 listeners and with “Lied can Fly”, we will also reach this number one day. Nothing can touch our heart as deeply and intensely as a Lied. It is a tiny art form, but it can easily travel through centuries.

I am deeply convinced about the importance of Lied to our cultural conscience, to our well-being and mental health. A Lied is like a tear, but it can be the drop that unfolds the ocean inside.

Feel free to join the community of “Lied can Fly”, subscribe for the newsletter or become a member. Be a part of the blossoming of new art song. Let’s start together into this wonderful adventure!

Yours Sabine Bergk

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