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Great Question

Monday, 07th of August 2023  

Introducing you to the power of asking questions one Great Question at a time.

To what extent would you live your life differently, if you were to age eight times faster?

What the question means to me:

Last week I filmed with Tiffany Wedekind in Columbus, Ohio. Tiffany has progeria, an extremely rare gene mutation that makes her body age 8 times faster.  People born with progeria usually live to an age of mid-teens to early twenties. Tiffany is 45, which makes her one of the oldest progeria patients in the world.

“I am afraid of dying, because I don’t want my life to be over.”

Being aware of her limited time, she spends every day living life to the fullest.

“I am paying attention to the good stuff and taking care of myself. And trying to influence everybody to do the same. My lust for life will end when it’s over. So until then, I’m going to keep living it.”

Sharing: To what extent would you live your life differently, if you were to age eight times faster? Share it with me on (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

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