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QAnon still the worst

Ich vermeide emotionale Geschichten im Internet wo es nur geht, aber diese Story um einen jungen Mann, der den Amoklauf an der Parkland Highschool ĂŒberlebte und dessen Vater danach dem QAnon-Kult verfiel (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) und nun das Massaker fĂŒr eine False Flag-Aktion und seinen eigenen traumatisierten Sohn fĂŒr einen Verschwörer hĂ€lt, bricht einem das Herz.

Die LĂŒge, das Parkland Highschool Massaker wĂ€re eine verdeckte Operation von Gegnern der Waffenlobby ist eine direkte Reaktion auf die nach dem Massaker in den gesamten USA aufkommenden Protesten gegen die Nation Riffle Association; anders formuliert ist sie eine reaktionĂ€re memetische Emergenz des rechtslibertĂ€ren Trollschwarms und stammt aus dem kollektiven Unterbewusstsein der QAnon-Kultisten, das im Verschwörungsnarrativ des False-Flag-Massakers seinen Ausdruck findet. Das Parkland Massaker ist in den Augen der Kultisten nicht deshalb eine vermeintliche Verschwörung, weil es dafĂŒr Anhaltspunkte gĂ€be, sondern weil die Kids nach diesem Amoklauf gegen die NRA auf die Straße gingen.

Die Story um den Sohn, dessen Vater (der vor zwei Jahren noch ein liebervoller, mitfĂŒhlender Mann war, der aus RĂŒcksicht vor den Traumata seines Jungen keine weinroten Shirts trug, da das die Farbe der Kleidung des TĂ€ters war) einem wahnsinnigen Kult aus dem Netz verfĂ€llt und nun seinen Sohn tĂ€glich psychologisch foltert, ist eine der traurigsten, die ich im Zuge meiner Dokumentation der psychologischen Krise, die die lichtschnelle elektronische Vernetzung von menschlichen Bewusstseinen durch digitale Medien tatsĂ€chlich bedeutet, gelesen habe.

Die “normale” Story der durch den QAnon-Kult entfremdeten Familien geht ĂŒber die reine Entfremdung nicht hinaus. Wenn die Mutter oder der Vater einer kollektiven Psychose erliegt, so ist das traurig, aber es ist noch keine Tragödie. Ein Vater allerdings, der durch diesen Kult seine Rolle als Vater verrĂ€t, seinen eigenen Sohn zum Feind erklĂ€rt und ihn gezielt und immer wieder neu traumatisiert, hat fĂŒr mich eine neue QualitĂ€t und die kollektivpsychotische Wirkung des Internet-Kults QAnon erreicht damit ein neues Level der NiedertrĂ€chtigkeit.

Bill’s final semester at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was already difficult enough.He was part of the final graduating class of survivors of the 2018 shooting, and they all had just marked the third anniversary of the day 17 people were killed, nine of whom were Bill’s classmates.

But Bill also had to deal with his father’s daily accusations that the shooting was a hoax and that the shooter, Bill, and all his classmates were paid pawns in a grand conspiracy orchestrated by some shadowy force.

Bill had worked hard to get over his survivor’s guilt after the shooting, but for the past five months, his own father has been triggering it all over again.“

He'll say stuff like this straight to my face whenever he's drinking: ‘You're a real piece of work to be able to sit here and act like nothing ever happened if it wasn't a hoax. Shame on you for being part of it and putting your family through it too,” Bill said in an anonymous post on Reddit last week (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Happy ErdĂŒberlastungstag everyone!

Heute, am 29. Juli, haben wir so viele Ressourcen des Planeten verbraucht, wie der Planet in einem Jahr regenerieren kann. Nachdem der Earth Overshoot Day (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) vor einem Jahr aufgrund der weltweiten Lockdowns drei Wochen spĂ€ter “gefeiert” wurde, sind wir nun wieder auf dem Stand von 2018/2019 auf dem direkten Weg in die Klimahölle.

Der Overshoot Day lag zur Jahrtausendwende noch im September, vor 40 Jahren im November und wir verbrauchen erst seit 1970 mehr Ressourcen im Jahr, als der Planet regenerieren kann. Genau dieses ungebremste Wachstum der sogenannten TechnosphĂ€re befeuert den Klimawandel und wird uns laut einer neuen Studie (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre), die den berĂŒhmten Bericht des Club of Rome ĂŒber “Die Grenzen des Wachstums” bestĂ€tigt, schon sehr bald um die Ohren fliegen und in eine weltweite, langfristige Rezession mĂŒnden.

Frohes Fest!

Tagesschau: Menschheit verbraucht "1,74 Erden" (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Die Menschheit hat mit dem heutigen Tag die Ressourcen verbraucht, die ihr bei nachhaltiger Nutzung fĂŒr das gesamte Jahr zur VerfĂŒgung gestanden hĂ€tten. Das geht aus Berechnungen des Global Footprint Networks mit Sitz in den USA und der Schweiz hervor. GegenwĂ€rtig verbraucht die Menschheit 74 Prozent mehr als die Ökosysteme des Planeten regenerieren können - oder "1,74 Erden". Der weltweite Ressourcenverbrauch nĂ€hert sich den SchĂ€tzungen zufolge wieder dem Stand von vor dem Beginn der Corona-Pandemie.

Pink Sea

Die Wasserverschmutzung der fischverarbeitenden Industrie hat einen See in Argentinien in wunderhĂŒbsches Magenta gefĂ€rbt (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre). Ob die Telekom schon mit Trademark-Abmahnungen droht, ist nicht bekannt.

A lagoon in the Patagonia region of Argentina has turned bright pink, stoking longtime concerns of local residents.According to a report from the Agence France-Presse (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre), environmental engineer and virologist Federico Restrepo said that the color was due to the presence of sodium sulfate, which local fish factories use for preserving prawns for export. The law requires that factories treat the fish waste containing sodium sulfate, which is an antibacterial chemical, before dumping it.The lagoon has been this color for almost a week now, but locals have been complaining about its foul odor for some time, AFP reported.

The Day the Good Internet Died

đŸ€š Von meinen Fragen bezĂŒglich der Headline einmal abgesehen ist das hier mal wieder einer der jĂ€hrlichen “Wir vermissen den Google Reader so sehr”-Artikel (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre). Ich wiederhole mich: Die Entscheidung Googles, den Google Reader abzuschießen, war die wahrscheinlich dĂ€mlichste Entscheidung ihrer Firmengeschichte und sicherte Facebook den langfristigen Siegeszug als Social Media Plattform.

Ich hĂ€tte GooglePlus auf dem Google Reader aufgebaut und hĂ€tte den Feed zum Kernprodukt gemacht, den man mit den ganzen Werbeprodukten von Google locker zum Social Media-Imperium hĂ€tte aufbauen können, inklusive Monetarisierung von Alternativ-Medien, der Einbeziehung von Legacy Media, Youtube und das ganze extrem crosspromotionfĂ€hig und portier/skalierbar. Mit Google Docs hĂ€tte man eine Plattform fĂŒr Redaktionsteams schaffen können, mit Feedburner hĂ€tte man all das zentralisieren können und so weiter und so fort.

Dass Google diese Chance nicht gesehen hat, obwohl Facebook den Newsfeed zum Zentrum ihres Social Media Produkts erklÀrten und Google wusste, dass sie im Segment des Feeds mit FB konkurrieren, ist mir ein absolutes RÀtsel. Und welche Auswirkungen ein solches, sehr wahrscheinlich sehr viel offeneres Social Media Produkt auf die kollektive Psyche ganzer Gesellschaften gehabt hÀtte - wir werden es nie erfahren.

The internet lasts forever, the internet never forgets. And yet it is also a place in which I feel confronted with an almost unbearable volume of daily reminders of its decay: broken links, abandoned blogs, apps gone by, deleted tweets (miss you always, ah-well-nevertheless!), too-cutesy 404 messages, vanished Vines, videos whose copyright holders have requested removal, lost material that the Wayback Machine never crawled, things I know I’ve read somewhere and want to quote in my work but just can’t seem to resurface the same way I used to be able to. Some of these losses are silly and tiny, but others over the years have felt more monumental and telling. And when Google Reader disappeared in 2013, it wasn’t just a tale of dwindling user numbers or of what one engineer later described as a rotted codebase. It was a sign of the crumbling of the very foundation upon which it had been built: the era of the Good Internet.

Letter from Delhi: Trolls will enforce India’s new media censorship laws - Coda Story

India is baking online mechanisms of outrage and troll armies into censorship laws.

it is all too easy for Modi’s online army to swamp small digital newsrooms with thousands of complaints in a matter of minutes and quickly escalate them to Thakur’s ministry. “And of course this power is completely discretionary,” Varadarajan said. “So, if someone complains against a government-friendly publication, the government can simply look the other way.” This allows for a curious arm’s-length transaction in which the government outsources censorship duties to the public under the guise of personal empowerment, then censors the press under the guise of “grievance redressal.” (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Unmasking ‘Dark Foreigner’: The Artist Who Fueled a Neo-Nazi Terror Movement

The distinct style MacDonald used to make his imagery helped establish and popularize the aesthetics of the distinct “Terrorwave” style evident across many genres of far-right propaganda. Sometimes employing jagged block letters and shadowed men in profile carrying guns, Terrorwave is immediately recognizable in the propaganda of the current far-right. Journalist Jake Hanrahan, who first identified Dark Foreigner as Atomwaffen Division’s chief propagandist, helped define this digital art movement as an “amalgamation of 21st century nihilism, edgy Internet culture, and the repressed frustration of Western lads.” That Terrorwave aesthetic went on to define the look of legions of other neo-Nazi terror groups after Atomwaffen, including the Base, Sonnenkrieg Division, and Fuerkrieg Division. These groups combined have accounted for dozens of arrests of neo-Nazis around the world on terrorism-related charges and attracted hundreds, if not thousands, of followers into neo-Nazism. Canada recently declared Atomwaffen and the Base official terrorist organizations, while a congresswoman in the U.S. recently pressured the Biden administration to do the same.  While some of his works are obvious odes to people revered as “saints” by the groups,  like Timothy McVeigh, who killed 168 people in the infamous 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, there are also allusions to a fringe Satanic movement and glorifications of Osama Bin Laden.  To this day, several propagandists in the neo-Nazi community actively copy his style. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

China’s new gaming underclass

Gaming-Hostessen fĂŒr chinesische Zocker.

A 23-year-old Shanghai native nicknamed Sake has been playing competitive games since a young age. During her senior year in college, Sake learned that she could make extra cash from her hobby by serving as a virtual companion (é™Ș玩, pronounced peiwan) for online gamers. Her customers were mostly men willing to pay for a partner to play with them, help improve their skills or sometimes just chat with them during downtime. Sake usually waited for gamers to find her on Bixin, China's leading online marketplace for gamers. Proactive peiwan can find clients by grabbing orders that are already priced. Other times, companions enter an order distribution hall (æŽŸć•ćŽ…) where they line up in front of a customer and a host to show off their voices. Because audio chat is a major component of gaming, a gamer will often pick the companion who he thinks sounds the best. In the game companion world, women like Sake refer to their male clients as "boss" (è€æż). And the "boss," often men, call the women "missie" (氏槐槐), an affectionate moniker for attractive young women in China. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Die haben das Wu Tang-Album vom Pharma Bro verkauft (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

In Paris sind Juwelendiebe auf Elektrorollern entkommen (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre), wĂ€hrend Jean Claude van Damme die Leute abgelenkt hat

Vampire bats 'French kiss with blood' to form lasting bonds (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

“A former eBay security supervisor has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for cyber-stalking a couple critical of the company” and sending them a dead pig fetus (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre).

Bumblebees on Caffeine be like weeeeeeeeeeeeeee (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) 🐝

Draw Yourself as a Peanuts Character

Including a Draw Like Peanuts-PDF (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre) featuring character studies. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Cannes Palme d'Or winner Julia Ducournau's first short film "Junior"

Justine, nicknamed Junior, age thirteen, spots and a good sense of humor of her own, is a tomboy; slightly misogyne. While diagnosed with a lightning gastroenteritis, junior's body becomes the theater of a strange metamorphosis. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Monkey Gangfight in Thailand (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre)

Raymond Chandlers compilations of Criminal- and Street-Slang, from his Notebooks.

pin-jabber – hypo user
sniffer – snuffer
dodo – any addict
gow – a dope, as “gowed up”
kick the gong around – use dope (Harlem)
daisy crushers – shoes
pearl diver – dish washer
fancy pants – (verb) to act cagily or coyly
Hard Harry – a hard guy

Chicago lightning – gunfire
dip the bill – take a drink
grape – liquor
cough yourself off – beat it
eel juice – liquor
creased, bent – knocked off, also stolen
circulation drops – drinks
lip – lawyer
squibbed off – shot
new street – new girl
give her hello – say hello to her
kick the joint – break in
under glass – in prison, caught

baggage-smasher – clumsy person
blinker – camera
duchess – a girl in the money
fluff – baby doll
footfever – hurry
garbo – a highhat
jail break – time out to eat
mob it – break formation
queen bee – show off
sock the clock – punch the time clock
toots – chorus boy (getting stale)
X ray – still photo
zubber – a cane and spats guy

Quoted by former Warden Holohan in Los Angeles Times. (Well-known terms omitted.)

Beak – Judge
Buried – held incommunicado
Broom – Disappeared hastily
Bonarue (Fr.) – Good
Box – Safe and also phonograph
Bank – Shot of dope
Back door parole – Die in prison
Blow your copper – Lose good conduct credits
Buck – Priest
Case dough – Limited dough
Caught in a snowstorm – Cocained up
Crazy alley – Fenced-in section for daffy prisoners
Copper-hearted – Informer by nature
Crib – Safe
Crow McGee – No good, not real
Cecil – Cocaine
Croaker – Doctor
Copper – Good prison records
Cop a heel – Assault from behind
Dinah – Nitroglycerine
Dropper – Paid killer
Duffer – Bread
Eye – Detective
Fog – Shoot
Fall money – Bail and legal fees
Fin – Five dollar bill
Fin up – Five years to live
Grease – Protection money
Glom – Steal, grab
Gum heel – Cop
Herder – Guard in prison
Hincty – Suspicious
Jinny – Blind pig
Lifeboat – Pardon, commutation of sentence
McCoy – Genuine (opposed to Crow McGee)
Nose  –  Police spy
On the Erie  –  Shut up! someone is listening
Office – Signal
On the muscle – Quarrelsome, ready for trouble
Put the cross on – Mark for death
Roscoe – Gat, hand gun
Shag – Worthless
Slam off – Die (not kill)
Swamp – Arrest
Slim – Police spy
Sneeze – Kidnap
Spear – Arrest
Shin – Knife, contraband weapon, shotgun
Siberia – Solitary confinement cells
Tommy Gee – Machine gunner

(Maybe New York only) Saturday Evening Post, October 21, 1950

Cannon – General term for pickpocket (Dip is unused, obsolete)
Live cannon – A thief who works on normally situated people, as opposed to a roller (a lushworker) who frisks drunks. Both men knock their victims. Rousters walk with the victim pretending to help; sneak workers don’t touch him unless he is passed out or near to it.
Pit worker – Inside-breast-pocket expert.
Moll buzzer – Operator on women’s handbags.
Sneeze – Arrest.
Short – Bus, street car, any public conveyance.
Stride – Walking (“On the stride.”)
Shed – Railroad station.
Tip – Crowd.
Bridge – Pocket.
Button – Police badge.
Kiss the dog – Work face to face with the victim.
Tail pits – Right and left side pockets of jacket.
Pratt – Rear trouser pocket.
Stall – Accomplice who creates confusion to fix the victim’s attention.
Right fall – Grand larceny conviction. To obtain there must be testimony that the accused had his hand in the victim’s pocket and was caught with the goods still on him. Most arrests are for “jostling,” which is a misdemeanor good for no more than six bits (months). A shove is enough when the shover is a known operator.
Hanger binging – Opening women’s handbags without stealing the bag.
Tweezer – Change purse.
Stiff – A newspaper or other shield to hide operations.
Wire or hook – The actual live cannon, as opposed to the stall.
Shot – A young pickpocket just starting to work (Harlem cant).
Fan the scratch – To locate money in a pocket without putting the hand in, i.e., by touch.
Dunnigan worker – Thieves who hang around comfort stations hoping for a coat left on a hook.

Note: A cannon never takes your money. He forks his fingers over it and moves away from it with a shove.

ZZ-Top Bassist Dusty Hill R.I.P.

Bandmates Billy Gibbons and Frank Beard said that Hill died in his sleep at his home in Houston, Texas (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenĂȘtre). They did not give further details. Earlier in July, ZZ Top had announced that Hill would not play some upcoming shows due to a hip injury.Known for his bushy beard and sunglasses, Hill played with ZZ Top for over 50 years.

Bye Dusty, and thanks for all the beards.

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