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What a ridiculous month

So … if you like pictures, you are in luck! This newsletter edition might be just the one for you! 😉

Here’s what we’ve got for you this time:

  1. Don’t Buy It – Behind the Scenes

  2. GIKK Interview

  3. Acoustic Gig – Sofar Sounds Linz

  4. Up next

  5. Win free tickets!

By the way: If you haven't, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter and get it directly into your inbox:

Don’t Buy It - Behind the Scenes

Can you believe it?

It’s been well over a month now since we released our debut album single, Don’t Buy It.

And you know what? One of the best things about being a musician is you don’t only get to make the music, you also get to make the videos for it! 🥳

As mentioned before:

We had such a good time filming with Karin and Markus from Matak Studios, (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) and today wanted to share some of the behind the scenes fun with you.

Let us take you through our various locations:

The first one used to be a “Beisl” – a typical Viennese bar – and this particular one served truly awful beer. Trust us. We’v experienced it 😬

We don’t know about you but … it works a whole lot better as a film set than it used to as a bar! Just look at how the boys are practicing not to move. Someone call Hollywood!


We left the bar and headed through Vienna up to Kahlenberg. The film team all the while was capturing “Joe”, the tour bus, from behind.

We actually also managed to take a picture of them once, fixing their camera (which was on top of their truck that whole time!)

Having arrived on Kahlenberg, we set up the bus and enjoyed the great view, with the sun glaring in our face.

And of course, we didn’t just film inside the bus!

And now you can also see how precarious this actually was for our poor drummer Philipp, sitting right on the edge of the roof, playing the drums for real!

Our friends Björn and Markus helped with venue scouting and setting up the lights. They thankfully also provided some drinks for the after-party – what absolute heroes!

Oh and just in case you haven’t watched the video yet or want to relive the film locations, here it is ❤️ (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

GIKK Interview

Now that was wild. But on to other wild things:

We’ve been featured in GIKK Magazin!! (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

They published an online interview of us in early June. We talked about our time in Brighton, Don’t Buy It and also about our history as a band and the things important to us 👀

Have a read! (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Acoustic Gig with Sofar Sounds Linz

And we are still not done! (Now we come to think of it: what a crazy month this was!)

Here’s a riddle for you:

What do you get when you combine a last minute gig with a city you don’t know and a location that looks like it’s from medieval England?

You get Sofar Sounds Linz (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) and one of the best gigs we’ve ever played!

It is moments like these, with a sold out crowd on a warm summer’s evening, that really make what we do so incredibly special for us …

Huge thanks to the organisers and the amazing audience. For those who couldn’t be there, here are some more stunning photos taken by Nora Forsthuber.

We loved how intimate and personal we could get and one thing is sure: we won’t forget this one in a hurry …

What’s up next?

In one word: Gigs, gigs, gigs!!

(Damn it. That was three)

Thursday, 4 July: Rhiz (Vienna)
This Thursday, we’ll be absolutely rocking club Rhiz in Vienna, supporting the amazing post-punk band LELEE (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). Pre-sale tickets are available here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre).

Saturday, 6 July: Schlot Schlommerfest (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) (Linz)
The Cultural Association Schlot are celebrating their 10 year anniversary with lots of live music! We’re playing at 8pm.

Saturday 27 July: Kunstmue Fest (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) (Bad Goisern)
This is a festival in the beautiful town of Bad Goisern in Salzkammergut. Come along to see us and 11 other cool bands. The entire festival is free and you can camp for free as well!

Win free tickets 🤩

Oh and talking of free.

We thought we’d also give away two tickets for the Rhiz Gig in Vienna (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) to our beloved newsletter subscribers!

Interested? Here’s what you need to do:

Respond to this email by tomorrow 5pm (that is: Tuesday, 2 July) and tell us your name and who you’re going to take with you to the concert. We’ll let the winners know by tomorrow evening 🙂

A goodbye, but not for long...

Thanks so much for reading and for your interest in us as a band and our music. We really appreciate you took the time and hope you had fun with the extra content!

Lots of love,