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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter (October 16th-22nd 2023)

Beloved Alchemists!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter, which finds me just having returned from beautiful south-western France and the island Ile d'Oleron - a place with strong ties to the history of Aquitania - yes, of the legendary Eleonora of Aquitaine, who is the main inspiration behind art such as the one below:

This particular Queen couldn't have ruled without the fair share of violence BUT what is unique about her is that she established and upheld the famous Court of Love - which is often examined and debated to have been an effort to ground Divine Feminine principles at Court in a time when courts were anything but courteous. We do not know how successful this effort was for real or whether we have been passed down through history a romanticised history about Eleonora and her Court of Love but already back in 2019 when I visited the place for the first time, I felt a gentleness from Eleonora's ''presence''. I attempted to capture it in a piece on my piano album 'Ventures': (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

But this week I feel called to talk a bit about the Divine Feminine as a principle. Did you know there is the Lunar feminine and the Solar feminine? These two are very different energies in the sense that they utilize different principles to express their presence. Unfortunately currently in the mass media we only see the Lunar or Dark Feminine being more represented while the Solar Feminine is being piggeonholed into solely the role of the mother or the virgin.

Nevertheless, the FEMININE as an essence is something that cannot be defined or it ends up not being feminine anymore when it is being pushed into a form. The feminine is truly formless in the sense that it is potentially everything and nothing. Which makes it a bit tricky to answer questions such as ''what is the feminine?'' . What are the roles of women for real? I don't think any of us is equipped truly to answer these questions for the simple reason that we do not know/we have never known what the feminine as a spiritual principle really is/how to allow it to express itself fully since it has mostly been expressed through forms via masculine principle.

It makes me shake my head a bit when I see ONLY archetypes such as Marilyn Monroe or even Frida Kahlo being pushed as THE feminine model. This model is broken and abides solely with the patriarchical principles of the feminine being broken and non-sovereign, juiced out for its creative abilities or its beauty by the world without any say because her very survival is depending on being subservient and often behind a vitrine of the strong, successful, brightly shinning woman.

This is not to say that if you identify with this ''feminine'' there's anything wrong with you. We are all on paths that serve our evolution in all ways that are appropriate for each and every one of us. No one is better or more evolved, we are all just seeking to know the Goddess for she has been wiped from the face of history and distorted into models that catered to lower masculine urges and needs.

So let us today, set an intention, if we so feel called, to know the Divine Feminine within us all in its true form and to be shown/guided into ways to express Her grace through our work and purpose.

For one thing is for sure, the Feminine is to rise and is rising to ideally come into holy sacred union with the masculine counterpart - this is the holy matrimony whithin, the sacred marriage within. Within one person the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine finally coming into union. We are talking about principles of energy expression and not fighting out there in society to put the masculine down in hopes to help the feminine rise. Unfortunately I see this being projected in various channels/communities that call themselves ''spiritual'' and I have to shake my head just a bit (I'm only human haha!)

How do you currently work towards masculine/feminine integration and what traits of each do you enjoy in your embodiment? Feel free to journal and ponder on this, if you so feel called, as when we start inquiring in such ways we are usually meant to receive answers, too.

In this sense, travelling to the South of France was to travel on to my Jupiter astrocartography line and as my friend and master astrocartographer Ralph McIntyre informed me, there was quite a lot of transiting lines over the region for me personally as well during the exact days I was there ( Moon line for example).

While typically a Jupiter line is supposed to be a light one, I had all my issues emerge around feminity, feeling safe in my femininity and in masculine containment and issues around trusting in the masculine to see and uphold my beauty.

What helped ease the upheaval for me was having the partner I have and how in his healthy masculine contrainment I was able to be vulnerable and bring my pain to him not to solve it for me but to demonstrate love and compassion towards my wounded feminine so she could heal.

In the spiritual journey we are often told ''you are all you need'' but time and time again in my journey recovering from abuse I see that we heal not just through rehabilitating our relationship with ourselves but relationships with other who demostrate healthy attitudes. Teal Swan says ''to heal is to experience the opposite of what you have been experiencing so far''. Someone needs to demostrate that ''different'', that ''healthy''. It is wise to start with ourselves but it is so wonderful to have someone else also mirror that back to us when we need it most or when we are in trauma trigger response and cannot self-regulate as easily.

This week, feel free to look for opportunities to LEAN INTO the safety that relationships can offer you wherever it is possible. If it is not possible you may indeed have to lean more into the relationship with Spirit or the Self but surely after this Eclipse in Libra we have just experienced, our relationships with at all relying also on the ''other'' to heal is being examined.

In the words of Ralph McIntyre: ''Is the most independent thing I can do, to realize that I'm dependent on my connections with you?'' ~RM

With this... I am leaving you with this month's reading (which I am only able to upload fully now as I had SO many internet issues in France - but hey, all in Divine Timing! :) )

October 2023: What Is Being Laid To Rest + New Blessings! (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

All my Love,

Your Elina