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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter (September 4th-10th 2023)

Beloved Alchemists!

Welcome back to our weekly newsletter where I have been having some challenges regaining my account for weeks! However, I did not force things as we have been in the midst of Mercury Retrograde and if there is one thing I have learned in my 31 years on this planet is that Spirit guides us even through inconveniences or things we may consider as a blockage. (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

I channeled my creative energy therefore in my music projects, created an 8-hour sleep askfirmations video with THETA brainwaves and gentle rain sounds and generally focused on switching things up a bit while creating content for the YouTube channel (I did the latest podcast out in nature) and what do you know - the newsletter account issue got resolved in the meantime as well.

my set-up out in nature for this week's podcast - it wasn't uneventful! :D

Happy to be back!

This Week's Overall Energy (exclusive pull for our newsletter members here):

8 of Cups - Walking Away Or Trying Again?

The 8 of Cups symbolize a longing for deeper meaning. One can have enough or wonderful things laying around but something IS missing. Do we stay and try to source that which is missing from what is already around us or do we abandon the cause and venture out to seek out and find that which is missing? Both is alright and this week Spirit wants us to let ourselves a little more off the hook for what we may have chosen to do in this matter. If you have been feeling guilt about removing yourself from spaces you had outgrown of if you have been wondering whether it was the right action to stay or go, Spirit calls for quiet time preferably in nature to regroup and reorient yourself minus the self-blame and worry. It is but a choice. The only thing that labels it as good or bad is perception and an insecurity about what happens next. But what if I were to tell you it is going to work out for you either way? Detours are often just to get us to come across hidden jewels we would have otherwise missed out on (if there is ever such a thing). Whatever we choose we are where we are and there is only one path from there: forward. As long as we each time choose from integrity, we can't go wrong, even if we took action that landed us on uncomfortable ground. Call in divine assistance wherever you feel stuck. Do each time what your conscience tells you is the right things to do by yourself. A good friend told me these days: ''If you were the Divine - how would you handle this situation?''

Mini PICK A CARD for our newsletter members:

Take a few nice deep breaths and choose a card - feel free to move your hand over the cards on the screen if you so feel guided and see where your hand is drawn. Scroll below to read the message for this week for the card you chose!

Card 1

8 of Wands & King of Swords

This week calls for discernment on which projects to prioritize and which ones can go to the backburner. This can also indicate the need to choose your battles carefully this week - is it truly worth it to call out the narcissist or is it best to leave silently so as to not be dragged into an endless circle of energy draining interactions? Is it maybe best to deal with certain issues energetically (prayer, energy clearing, asking the Divine for intervention) rather than engaging on a physical level with other people's drama? On a more mundane level, discern where your energy goes - what do you spend most of your time doing? What is the truth of this situation? Are you being empowered there or not? If not, the King of Swords energy helps us come up with a plan to change this in the future. This week will bring up plenty of opportunity to discern what is worthy of your time and what needs to be openly acknowledged by you as an energy drain. You may be inundated with information and not know which is true and which is not. When in doubt, look at the logical facts and make a decision. There is a hint of manipulation in this week's energy maybe something that is not seen fully yet or maybe in the form of people trying to change your opinion on something while you know what is true for you. You may simply come across a piece of content that feels controversial or hard to make sense of. Listen and consider all options but always return to your core and examine what resonates with you and what does not. Keep what resonates, discard the rest and don't feel bad about it. You have a great sense of inner guidance so feel OK about not being swayed so as to fit in with those around you. Consult with Spirit when too much is happening too fast or too much information is demanding your attention. You will know and will be guided in sifting and sorting appropriately. For some (1 or 2 of you on here), some drama is coming up to derail a process you have commited to but stay the coure. Distractions only fall away at the steady and determined gaze of the King of Swords. Know what you stand for so you don't fall for everything. Remaining focused on what is true for you is important this week to ensure you remain on your path. All my love & blessings for a wonderful week, Elina

Card 2

5 of Pentacles

This week brings with it an opportunity to practice asking for help. Whether it is on a practical level or Divine Assistance, learning to be OK with asking is imperative. Spirit often tells me we are not asking enough. Poverty/scarcity/slavery consciousness is often to blame for this as collectively as human species we have been imprinted with a variety of consciousness imprints that were not necessarily organic/natural for us. In large ways, the indoctrination we endure through society trains us to have so many unconscious attachments to undeservingness and unworthiness that we often have to be put through special training in this lifetime to learn solely how to ask. Difficulties and challenges that seem to come out of nowhere piling up and we live with a feeling of overwhelm or fear of what is to come. Sounds familiar? This is a training ground and guess what, all this begins to fall away when you learn to start asking for help. This week, make it a small fun game to ask for help from your Angels even as you go about your day. Ask with non-attachment for the bus to be on time, for this or that to be resolved peaecfully, for a good night's sleep or anything else you feel upheaval about. Don't keep score at first about what happened but let it evolve and build up over time. It is a specific frequency that you are being trained to embody - that of deserving to receive. When things start coming in and quite frankly, keep track of everything that feels like a gift to you this week - say thank you and receive it whole-heartedly. No wondering or thinking about it or feeling guilt or shame about receiving even if it is just a person giving you their seat on the bus! Say thank you and mean it, receive whole-heartedly. This week you are being activated in many ways to become a vessel for higher frequency energies to not only come to you but to also be a vessel for these energies to pass through you and continue into eternity. You cannot be a clogged vessel, you need to relax and allow the gifts by receiving wholeheartedly and without guilt all the good things that arise. Recognize them and say thank you aloud or within. There is a greater purpose here but we got to start small, say Spirit, implying that your ability to receive and to be a facillitator of blessings to occur (through you blessings are to be given further also to others through your generosity) are to play an important role also in the future of you and those around you. You are becoming a beacon, an anchor of energies of worthiness. This is to do with the healing of the Feminine Principles and goes way beyond third-dimensional life here on Planet Earth. All my love, Elina

Card 3

Princess Of Autumn (Page of Pentacles)

A time of study and focus. This week, if you are a student of any kind, expect good news, some form of dispensation. You are being granted something (from financial help to spiritual downloads depending on what you are doing currently). Where you need a little push to get you to begin or go further than you've been able to so far, something is moving in that area this week or at least the foundations for that to happen are being put into place (this can even look like some type of initiation or Spirit moving in ways you cannot yet see but are soon to see). It is important now that you do not give up (take breaks, though and be gentle in your process - you will get there so no use in pushing it all at once)! Procrastination may have its roots in a subconscious belief that you do not deserve to take up space/progress etc so if you encounter any of it, journal and pray it away, surrender it to the divine to be transmuted. If you feel disheartened in any way, this week is a good time to rest and continue to work of your goals slowly yet steadily without pressure. For some it may be good to take a little vacation/break from your object of focus altogether and then return to it. For some others, there is a message here of having fear/resistance around egaging with a particular piece of information/a process - go gently yet see yourself through the completion of it. Leaving distractions aside to happily focus on your object is favored this week. For some, happy changes in regards to an object of focus you did not enjoy as much (job or else) to one that is more enjoyable. There is progress here to be tracked even if you are the only one perceiving it. Spirit applauds you nevertheless and cheer you on to continue on your path of dilligent work and focus. You are half-way through a journey that when it is over, it will take you to another level, far away from challenges you are dealing with now. But to reach that point you need to keep going just a bit longer. Finish it and until then, the better things will have fallen into place. Someone may show up whom you can trust to help you create further progress. Good news this week in some front that deals with something you have been putting a lot of effort in. It is a week of rewards, one way or another! Give yourself some credit! You've done good, child! All my love, Elina

KEEP IN MIND: We have behind us a Full Moon in Piscces so take plenty of rest and prioritize time to wrap up loose ends, daydream on new intentions and enjoy some down time now that the moon is diminishing.

At this point I feel called to share an older update I did on the Pluto Rx in Capricorn energies - because we are to stay with those energies until January 2024 and in eclipse season these seem to be amplified: (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

All my Love,

Your Elina