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How To: Cultivate A Creative Network with Creatives Cymru Supper Club

This week, co-creators Dagmar Bennett & Phie McKenzie discuss their supper club connecting Welsh creatives in London.

“Wales is renowned for many things – its beautiful landscapes, singing, and, of course, the place with the longest town name in the UK,” says Welsh creatives Phie McKenzie (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) and Dagmar Bennett (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). “We know there is a tonne of Welsh excellence in the creative industries, both established and emerging talent  – and we are on a mission to elevate and increase the representation of Welsh creative talent in London’s industry.”

Phie and Dagmar are achieving this mission by launching Creatives Cymru Supper Club – a vibrant community born from their passion to empower the voices and stories of the Welsh Creative Diaspora in London. At the supper club, Welsh artists, doers, and thinkers living in London come together to share stories, exchange ideas, and celebrate our identities over delicious food.

“We want to give back to our community, connect creatives, celebrate our identity, amplify amazing talent and inspire the next generation of young talent from Wales,” they explain. “By standing proudly and showcasing our achievements, we aim to ignite a sense of possibility and ambition among young talents coming through.”

Phie McKenzie (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) is the Founder of Creative Ally, (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) a talent agency for purpose-driven Creators. She founded Creative Ally in 2022 to support and develop purpose-driven creators who use their platforms to further conversations across social and environmental issues. She manages a roster of trailblazing talent, including Lydia Bolton, The Tech Cornr, Cheer Up Luv, Zoe Mallett, and The Real Housewives of Clapton, and works as a social and talent consultant for brands who want to harness their purpose online. 

Dagmar Bennett (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) is an advertising Partnerships Director and freelance TV Director / Creative Director. Bringing stories, ideas and partnerships to life, she works with brands and agencies on meaningful cultural concepts, creative projects and innovative ideas to push progress forward. Her work features on BBC, S4C TV, Nowness, BuildHollywood and the British Journal of Photography.

To keep up with their latest event on 23rd July at Top Cuvée (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), make sure to follow Creatives Cymru Supper Club (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) on Instagram.

Below, Phie and Dagmar discuss the importance of cultivating their creative network.

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