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Feedback for Chappel Roan Tour Photography Applicants

This week, the BRICKS team shares their feedback from reviewing over 200 applications to photograph Chappell Roan in London for BRICKS.

Firstly, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who applied for the opportunity to photograph Chappell Roan on her London tour dates. We know how much effort goes into applying for opportunities like these, and while only one person could be selected, we want to offer some constructive feedback for those who weren’t selected this time around.

As we received over 200 applications, we don’t have the capacity as a small team to offer personalised feedback to each applicant, however, we hope you’ll be able to take some advice from the below feedback to support your future applications. We’ll be posting our next talent photography opportunity in the coming weeks – keep your eyes peeled! 

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