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Beware of Greek MEPs receiving gifts

Could the scandal starring Greek ex-MEP Kaili be the tip of the iceberg?

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

European Parliament Vice President Eva Kaili, PASOK-KINAL MEP, is at the epicenter of the probably biggest scandal that has ever rocked Brussels. In a development bearing all characteristics of a Hollywood movie, she was caught in the act with bags of cash. Allegedly bribes her and three alleged associates from Qatar, so they polish the image of the autocratic state.

We connect the dots in an analysis you would not read in the international press. How is Kaili closely connected with ND, despite being a KINAL MEP? How far back does her relationship with ND high profile people and corrupt politicians date? Why did she try to undermine the importance of the Greek spyware scandal?

In a separate yet tragic development, the 16-year-old Roma boy who had been shot in the head by the police died. Protests erupted, followed by clashes with the police. On the day of his death, all parliamentary parties except DiEM25 voted for a 600 euros bonus for all uniformed in the Police and the Coast Guard.

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