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Is SYRIZA splitting? 

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

Some 4.5 billion in public money were given in contracts assigned without a bid, the country’s Court of Audit announced this week. Covid-19 was again scapegoated for non-transparent procedures. 

PM Mitsotakis continues to be in the Top-10 of biggest debtors, along with his wife, among parliamentarians. At the same time, he is in the top 10 of the wealthiest parliamentarians. All these, according to Greek politicians, asset-and-fund declarations published this week. 

SYRIZA has been riven by internal strife and tensions since new leader Kasselakis was elected. All recent developments suggest the party is heading straight to a split. What would the remnants of a party under Kasselakis then be? Well, not left-wing. Also, there is a lack of democratic procedures.   

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