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Live in Greece “at your own risk”

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

More evidence on illegal pushbacks has been revealed this week, including a Legal Centre Lesvos video on a 200 migrants pushback and the creepy findings of the until now unknown practice of pushing back people from Italy to Greece on the ‘dungeons’ of luxurious commercial ships.

In what appears to be a continuous effort to cover up the ‘Greek Watergate,’ the Greek government indirectly yet clearly turned down the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy president Christos Rammos' request to inform the Parliament of the Authorities' findings.

Expectant mothers are asked to “give birth at their own risk” due to a lack of hospital pediatricians. This is the latest in a series of degrading Greek NHS. This week also included the postponement of chemotherapies due to the lack of hospital pharmacists and humiliating situations in the largest psychiatric hospital in Greece.

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