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Train collision report: Accomplished 

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

The Committee appointed by the Greek government to investigate the deadly Tempi train collision already finished its work in just over a month. Minister Gerapetritis stated that most of the Committee’s recommendations have already been fulfilled or are underway. Miraculous. 

The resignation letter of a Greek island doctor has made titles this week as it is mirroring the situation in the Greek NHS. Be aware when you visit Greek islands. One or two doctors are usually available for a whole island. 

Greece is exporting Predator illegal spyware in Sudan, an alternate Foreign Minister admitted. Well, there is no data to document if this has improved the country’s trade deficit. The democratic deficit though is growing. 

‘Slapped ass’ report on the deadly train collision 

The Greek government, which has not yet ‘managed’ to investigate journalist Giorgos Karaivaz’s murder, after two years, has already produced a report on the Tempi train collision, which took place on 28 February and claimed at least 57 lives.  

The government-appointed Committee, which we have analyzed here was set up in breach of the Constitution which provides that judicial authorities are to undertake such investigation, produced a report this week on the issue. They handed the report to the State-Minister-responsible-also-for-Transportation (a proper Transportation Minister was never appointed after the crash, also in breach of the Constitution)  

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