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Become a member of Tajweed Quran and speaking Arabic

I'm teaching the Arabic language and Tajweed of the Holy Quran in a very simple way.
par Muhammad Marey
Plan 1 sur 1: Standard Membership
5 € par mois

🎧 You can subscribe to the audio versions of my Arabic learning videos as a podcast.

🗒 You get the transcripts (the texts of my videos) as a PDF.
📝Quizzes through google forms.
🎁 As i reach a number of 50 subscriber, i will connect my site to a professional Quiz site and you will get more Quizzes for all my videos...with your support i will do it soon🙏🏻

📮I will inform you by email when I have published a new video. My members also find out before anyone else what new content I'm planning.

🙏🏻 Thanks to your support, I can cover the costs of video production and further professionali

Plan 1 sur 1: Standard Membership
5 € par mois

🎧 You can subscribe to the audio versions of my Arabic learning videos as a podcast.

🗒 You get the transcripts (the texts of my videos) as a PDF.
📝Quizzes through google forms.
🎁 As i reach a number of 50 subscriber, i will connect my site to a professional Quiz site and you will get more Quizzes for all my videos...with your support i will do it soon🙏🏻

📮I will inform you by email when I have published a new video. My members also find out before anyone else what new content I'm planning.

🙏🏻 Thanks to your support, I can cover the costs of video production and further professionali

Hi, nice to have you here!       ! السَّلامُ عليكم, تُسعدُني رؤيتكم هنا

Anyone who study a foreign language often has difficulty improving further. In textbooks you often don't find answers to detailed questions, dictionaries explain the meanings but don't tell which words are actually used and which no and grammar books explain the rules in a very dry way. 

With my YouTube channel Speaking Arabic Language School (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) I would like to help you make learning Arabic easier and clearer. I don't see myself as a teacher, but as your companion and supporter who will help you with any questions.

some just need to learn simple Arabic to be able to read the Holy Quran, but they do not have the chance to do this in an Arabic country, and course in line are often in English, i will help you find the course in other languages, with my coming videos you will learn and memorize the Holy Quran easily from your home. 

Why become a member?

I am very happy that Speaking Arabic Language School has become so popular after just a short time. With your great comments, countless lovely messages and generous support, you have shown me that I have closed a gap with my channel.

My website and my channel now are my job. I invest a lot of time and energy every day in preparing, shooting and editing the videos - and of course money for the necessary software and technical equipment. I like doing that because I really enjoy it.

In the future I would like to be able to concentrate more on this project. I want to try out new video series, shoot more videos and offer more extras. The more people support me, the more content I can produce. That's why I ask for your support!

Help make Speaking Arabic Language School even better.

As a member of Speaking Arabic Language School, you support me on a monthly basis and ensure that I can continue producing videos. As a thank you, you will receive extra materials for each video. If enough people join in and are interested, there will be even more benefits for members in the future. I am excited and look forward to exchanging ideas with you. Thank you for your support! 

This is how you become a member.

1. Select membership and click on “Become a member”.

2. Create an account with Steady

3. Select payment method.

4. Confirm payment

5. You will now receive an email with further information. You can also find everything you need to know on the website.

6. Done! 🎉

If you want to change or end your membership, click on your profile in the top right corner of, select "Memberships" and then "Change Package" or "Cancel".