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July News (Week 28)

New Week, new Magick.

Exciting news lovelies. I launched my third bundle here at Steady and I hope this offer finds you well. You can now book TAROPY - the monthly Tarot Therapy.
Also the Kismet Shop has some exciting news: you can now get small tattoos there, like zodiac signs, little sigils and other spiritual symbols. We will offer this on Wednesdays and Fridays and sometimes Tuesdays too. In August I will launch a special Ritual Treatment. Stay tuned.

TAROPY is for you when: you enjoy a monthly personal reading (30min), you don’t wanna miss the monthly TarotScope and all the other extras (Newsletter, Discount Code and Events).

TAROPY is great for regular check ins, working on your development, facing and integrating your shadows and embracing your inner wisdom. Spots are limited. Only 10 available. Readings are in German and English, same as the TarotScope. Also here you can save 5€ when you choose the yearly membership or you choose the monthly membership and just use it as long as needed.
Looking forward to this new experience.

And now let’s start with the news and wisdom.

But before…

The Sirius Portal Days, occurring this year from July 3rd to July 7th. A significant astrological period when the Earth aligns with the star Sirius. During this time, it is believed that heightened spiritual energy and transformative frequencies are accessible, promoting profound personal and collective growth. Many view this as an opportunity to connect with higher consciousness, receive divine insights, and align with their true purpose. Rituals and meditations focused on intention-setting, healing, and spiritual awakening are commonly practiced. The energy of the Sirius Portal is said to catalyze enlightenment, aiding in the evolution of the soul and the expansion of human potential.

Here is a Sirius Portal Meditation from 2021 (so please ignore the date as the Sirius gate back then was during August)

You wanna exchange with like-minded? Become a Cosmic Chaos Member and join our Telegram Community, receive the monthly TarotScope (only Reflection and Taropy Membership), or support my work as a silent supporter. You will receive the newsletter, free events and a permanent discount code.

What you will find:

Moon Movement - which signs and what do we need to know about it

Mental Health - Skills, support and facts

Witchy Wisdom - learn about many different topics like herbs, crystals, tarot, months, moons, spells, rituals and much more

Cosmic News - I provide a little insight of cosmic energies. What are the planets telling us?

Events - what we offer

Wishing you all two gentle weeks and good moods. Enjoy the news <3

Moon Movement

The next Moon Circle will be Sunday July 21st at the Movement Social Club Studio in Prenzlauer Berg.

This Full Moon is dedicated to our Capricorn traits. Focusing on our discipline, persistence and traditions we still follow or new ones we would like to implement. We will start with a soft Body Scan to ground ourselves and connect. Followed by a meditation and journal session (with Tarot impulses if you like) we dive into our mind and emotions and beyond. After this session we celebrate a collective ritual and creating our own magick full moon candle.
To finish the Full Moon ritual, we enjoy some minutes of deep relaxation and manifestation and end the evening with tea and vegan cake and sharing our experiences.

Duration 120min

Enjoy a Sunday evening with like minded people. Connect, relax, share and heal… together!


Find the moon placements during the next two week. We are in the waxing moon phase (the Yang phase or the masculine / active energy), These two weeks the energy is intense and directed outwards.

Monday - Tuesday: Leo
Waxing Moon in Leo radiates vibrant energy and a zest for life. This phase is perfect for embracing your creativity, boosting self-confidence, and celebrating your unique qualities. These days are ideal for bold and fun actions, self-expression, generosity and igniting your passion.
Training / Stretching / Massage during Leo Moon Days: Focus on the back, spine, and heart. Cardio workouts, dancing, and back massages are suggested. Heart-opening yoga poses and solar plexus meditation enhance your inner strength and charisma. Let your light shine brightly.

Tuesday - Thursday: Virgo
Waxing Moon in Virgo brings a grounded and practical energy, perfect for organizing your life and tending to your well-being. These days are ideal for setting goals, refining your routines, and focusing on self-improvement.

Training / Stretching / Massage during Virgo Moon Days: Pay attention to the digestive system and intestines. Gentle core exercises, Pilates, and abdominal massages are beneficial. Incorporate mindful eating practices and detox routines. Meditation focused on the root chakra helps ground your energy and promote a sense of stability.

Friday - Sunday: Libra
Waxing Moon in Libra infuses the air with harmony and balance, making it a great time for nurturing relationships and seeking beauty in your surroundings. These days are perfect for social activities, aesthetic endeavors, and finding beauty in all aspects of life.

Training / Stretching / Massage during Libra Moon Days: Focus on the lower back and kidneys. Gentle stretching, Pilates, and lower back massages are soothing. Engage in partner exercises or yoga to enhance connection and balance. Heart chakra meditation and activities that bring you joy and beauty, like decorating your space or exploring art, enhance your sense of harmony.

Sunday - Tuesday: Scorpio
Waxing Moon in Scorpio brings intense and transformative energy, ideal for deep emotional work and personal transformation. These days are perfect for introspection, uncovering hidden truths, and embracing your inner power.

Training / Stretching / Massage during Scorpio Moon Days: Focus on the reproductive organs and hips. Deep tissue massages, hip-opening exercises, and Pilates are rejuvenating. Engage in activities that promote emotional release, such as journaling or shadow work. Sacral chakra meditation and practices that delve into your subconscious help you harness and transform your inner strength.

Wednesday - Thursday: Sagittarius
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius fills the air with optimism and a sense of adventure, making it a great time for expanding your horizons and seeking new experiences. These days are perfect for learning, exploring and embracing a spirit of freedom and enthusiasm. Good time to raise our voices at demonstrations or other activism work.
Training / Stretching / Massage during Sagittarius Moon Days: Focus on the thighs and hips. Engaging in activities like running, hiking, or cycling is recommended. Thigh massages and hip stretches can enhance flexibility and vitality. Meditate on the third eye chakra to expand your intuition and vision, and indulge in activities that inspire your sense of adventure and curiosity.

Friday - Sunday: Capricorn
Waxing and Full Moon in Capricorn brings a determined and disciplined energy, ideal for focusing on your long-term goals and ambitions. These days are perfect for taking practical steps towards your aspirations, setting solid plans, and working diligently. The full moon illuminates your achievements and efforts. This phase is perfect for recognizing your progress, celebrating your successes, and reflecting on the structures that support your growth.
Training / Stretching / Massage during Capricorn Moon Days: Concentrate on the bones, joints, and knees. Strength training, stability exercises, and knee massages are beneficial. Incorporate practices that build resilience, like mountain pose in yoga, and meditate on the root chakra to ground your energy.
Allowing you to appreciate the journey and set the stage for future goals.



Topic of the Week: Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness and meditation, deeply rooted in spiritual traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism, have been shown to significantly reduce stress. These practices encourage present-moment awareness and foster a sense of inner peace. Studies have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing emotional regulation, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improving overall mental well-being. To incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily life, try these easy practices:

Mindful Breathing: Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Mindful Eating: Eat slowly and savor each bite, paying full attention to the taste, texture, and sensation of your food. You can also practice mindful eating as a spiritual ritual and deeply enjoy how you nourish your body, mind and soul.

Body Scan Meditation: Gently bring awareness to different parts of your body. You can just check in with each region of your body or connect it with a soft meditation or breath work.

Walking Meditation: Practice mindfulness while walking, paying attention to each step and your surroundings. Listen to the leaves in the wind, to the birds singing. Maybe you can walk near water, which has an immediate effect on your nervous system.

Loving-Kindness Meditation: Focus on sending love and positive energy to yourself and others. Imagine a heart which becomes bigger and bigger and includes all the people, things, memories etc you love. If your energy is strong, some people who are very open to receive will feel what you’ve send out.

Gratitude Journaling: Write down three things you are grateful for each day, fostering a positive mindset. If you do this every morning and every evening, you will start in the day with a better mood and also sleep more peaceful.

Witchy Wisdom


The name April is derived from the Latin word "aperire", which means "to open". This could refer to the opening of buds and the blossoming of nature in spring.

Pagan Traditions: Earth Day (April 22nd):

Though not exclusively pagan, Earth Day aligns with pagan values of honoring and protecting the natural world. Many pagans celebrate by participating in environmental activities such as tree planting, nature walks, and rituals to honor the earth's spirit and promote ecological awareness.

Associated Plants and Herbs:
Mint: drives away negative energies, brings luck and money and is said to attract love. Mint is also purifying and lifts the mood.

Zodiac: Aries & Taurus. Aries is rules by Mars and Taurus by Venus. With the Taurus season, we nourish our inner beauty and joy. We have a bigger sense for harmony and beauty. Good time to develop our practical and crafting skills and take a look at our security and financial needs.

Moon: Pink Moon / Easter Moon
This Moon is named after the pink flowers, particularly wild ground phlox, that bloom in April. It symbolizes the arrival of spring and the abundance of flowers. This full moon reminded us of our inner beauty and how to embrace and take actions.


Magical Supporter:
Diamond: Associated with clarity, strength and protection.
Clear Quartz: Stands for purity, energy, focus and spiritual clarity.

Tarot Ritual:
Good time to ask the cards about:

How can I embrace joy?
What needs harmony?
Where do I lack patience and courage?

Supportive Tarot Cards: the hierophant, the empress, nine of pentacles, queen of pentacles, the emperor, four of wands,

Cosmic News


What happens these weeks in the universe and how will it affect us?

The Moon transits the following planets in the next two weeks and create conjunctions with:

Mercury: This energy promotes a deep connection between thoughts and feelings, encouraging journaling, learning, and activities that require both mental acuity and emotional intelligence. Making it ideal for introspection, meaningful conversations, and creative writing.

Pluto: This alignment merges the Moon's emotional sensitivity with Pluto's power of regeneration and rebirth. It encourages profound insights into subconscious patterns and emotional healing. Individuals may experience a deepening of intuition and a desire for personal evolution. However, it can also bring intense emotional confrontations or power struggles. It's a time for exploring hidden truths, releasing old wounds, and embracing personal empowerment through understanding and transformation.

Mars Uranus Conjunction in Taurus:
Pros of Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus: Sparks innovation and creativity, Increases motivation and drive, Encourages breaking stagnant routines, Empowers to take risks and pursue new paths, Infuses dynamic energy into endeavors.

Cons of Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus: Potential for impulsiveness and hasty decisions, Creates instability and unpredictability, May lead to conflicts and power struggles, Clash between desire for change and resistance to it, Heightened risk of physical accidents or injuries.

Venus in Leo:
Venus in Leo enhances your ability to love and appreciate with boldness and extravagance. It encourages you to express affection and desire with flair, passion, and a touch of drama. Venus in Leo also connects romantic impulses with creativity, urging you to pursue love and beauty with a generous heart and a sense of style. Embrace your Venus in Leo energy to celebrate love, inspire creativity, and radiate joy in your relationships.

Mars in Gemini
Mars in Gemini amplifies your drive and energy through communication and intellectual pursuits. It fuels your actions with curiosity, versatility, and a desire for mental stimulation. This placement encourages you to pursue your goals with agility, adaptability, and a strategic approach. Mars in Gemini also enhances your ability to debate, negotiate, and persuade, making you quick-witted and persuasive in your endeavors. Use this dynamic energy to explore new ideas, initiate diverse projects, and engage in lively exchanges, intellectually and socially.

There are many more interesting constellation. If you are curious to discover more or you wanna talk about your chart, send me a dm or book a reading with me. Astrology is a wonderful tool and language to discover yourself and cosmic energies.


This week you will find me, the schedule of the movement social club and other cool events here:


18:00 Vinyasa Flow
20:00 Rest and Recovery Yoga Flow NEW+NEW+NEW

Tuesday 9th July:
8:00 Power Yoga
18:00 Mat Pilates
20:00 Yin by Candlelight

14:00-18:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot NEW+NEW+NEW

Wednesday 10th July:
8:00 Strong Morning Flow New+New+New

14:00-19:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot NEW+NEW+NEW
20:30 Tarot Night at zum starken August Start 20:30 with Julia

Thursday 11th July:
8:00 Rise and Shine Yoga Flow

19:00 Release and Relax Class with Skai

Friday 12th July:
8:00 Power Yoga

15:00-19:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot

Saturday 13th July:
12:00 Yoga and Dance

12:00 - 19:00 Skai at Kismet (Spiritual Consultations and Tarot Reading)

Sunday 14th July:
10:30 Flow & Glow Yoga

12:00-18:00 Flea Market at zum Starken August

Monday 15th July:
18:00 Vinyasa Flow

20:00 Rest and Recovery Yoga Flow

Tuesday 16th July:

15:00 - 18:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot

Wednesday 17th July:
Skai at Kismet 14:00 - 18:00 TattooTarot

20:30 Tarot Night at zum starken August with Skai

Thursday 18th July:
8:00 Rise and Shine Yoga Flow

19:00 Release and Relax Class with Skai

Friday 19th July:
8:00 Power Yoga

15:00-19:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot

Saturday 20th July:
12:00 Yoga and Dance

12:00 - 19:00 Skai at Kismet (Spiritual Consultations and Tarot Reading)

Sunday 21st July:
10:30 Flow & Glow Yoga

13:00-16:30 Tarot Stammtisch at zum starken August

18:00-20:00 FULL MOON CIRCLE

For Movement Social Club:

For Cosmic Chaos Club:

For Readings:


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the c (Opens in a new window)ommunity.

Wishing you lots of magical moments.

Much love


Topic News and Wisdom


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