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The Preserve Journal Allotment

šŸƒ The Preserve Journal Allotment: Our digital space for growing and nourishing ideas and practices together šŸƒ
by The Preserve Journal

The Preserve Journal Allotment: Our digital space for growing and nourishing ideas and practices together!

After 6 years of publishing The Preserve Journal, we are creating "The Preserve Journal Allotment" as our digital space and membership platform, where we can share, grow and nourish even more ideas and practices together!

Who we are

What we do

Why we created this online platform + memberships

Three main reasons:Ā 

For context, we have for a while been dancing with the thought of deepening and enriching our digital content and universe. This is for three main reasons:

(1) we have so many amazing followers and readers who keep asking us for digital versions of the magazines and generally requesting more (digital) content besides what we publish in the printed magazine.

(2), we have so many amazing writers with amazing stories to tell, but such a limited space and page count with two printed magazines a year - meaningĀ that we have to delay or turn down a lot of inspiring and impactful content.

(3) print is getting more and more (insanely!) expensive, and we honestly worry whether or not we will be able to keep up printing and publishing with the rising costs of everything, we are therefore trying to think creatively about how to create other sourcesĀ of income (without having to compromise on our values) that can keep the magazine alive.

What we offer here

explaining the memberships + their content

Why it means the world to us if you sign up!