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Do we need more photographs? Photos from my camera? That's for you to decide.
von Oliver Grimm

Wähle deine Mitgliedschaft

Paket 1 von 3: Kleinformat
3 € pro Monat

I think of you with every picture.
I'll write your name on every film I put in my camera.
I'll tell my kids you're to blame for Daddy leaving home and leaving them alone.

Paket 2 von 3: Mittelformat
6 € pro Monat

I think of you with every picture.
I'll write your name on every film I put in my camera.
I'll tell my kids you're to blame for Daddy leaving home and leaving them alone.
In the case of an exhibition or a photo book by me, I would like to thank you publicly for your support. Rather in writing - I can't stand up and recite your name all the time.
Once a year you may wish for a picture of me in the standard format (approx. 10x15) which I let a professional developer expose and send it to you. (after at least 6 months of support)

Paket 3 von 3: Großformat
24 € pro Monat

I think of you with every picture.
I'll write your name on every film I put in my camera.
I'll tell my kids you're to blame for Daddy leaving home and leaving them alone.
In the case of an exhibition or a photo book by me, I would like to thank you publicly for your support. Rather in writing - I can't stand up and recite your name all the time.
Once a year you may wish for a picture of me in the standard format (approx. 10x15) which I let a professional developer expose and send it to you. (after at least 6 months of support)
In the case of a fanzine I will send you two copies free of charge.

Paket 1 von 3: Kleinformat
3 € pro Monat

I think of you with every picture.
I'll write your name on every film I put in my camera.
I'll tell my kids you're to blame for Daddy leaving home and leaving them alone.

Paket 2 von 3: Mittelformat
6 € pro Monat

I think of you with every picture.
I'll write your name on every film I put in my camera.
I'll tell my kids you're to blame for Daddy leaving home and leaving them alone.
In the case of an exhibition or a photo book by me, I would like to thank you publicly for your support. Rather in writing - I can't stand up and recite your name all the time.
Once a year you may wish for a picture of me in the standard format (approx. 10x15) which I let a professional developer expose and send it to you. (after at least 6 months of support)

Paket 3 von 3: Großformat
24 € pro Monat

I think of you with every picture.
I'll write your name on every film I put in my camera.
I'll tell my kids you're to blame for Daddy leaving home and leaving them alone.
In the case of an exhibition or a photo book by me, I would like to thank you publicly for your support. Rather in writing - I can't stand up and recite your name all the time.
Once a year you may wish for a picture of me in the standard format (approx. 10x15) which I let a professional developer expose and send it to you. (after at least 6 months of support)
In the case of a fanzine I will send you two copies free of charge.

Bisher unterstützen 8 Mitglieder Oliver Grimm photography mit 36 € im Monat

Aktuelles Ziel

30 % von 120 € im Monat erreicht
I could fill my fridge with film. I could publish a booklet with pictures for you (and me). I could shoot BIGGER photos—just think medium format!

My name is Oliver Grimm and I take pictures—all the time. 

What are you doing now, exactly? And why is that? 

It really got me. Late it got me. In my forties: I take pictures. Always. My family's getting very annoyed. That's why I'm going out on the streets. That's where I find my motifs. Uninhibited and unvarnished.  

I'll shoot anything that catches my eye. Humans. And things. And people who look like things. And things that could be people. I do this digitally. And with real film. And cameras, which the older ones (Pardon) among you still know: Nikons, Minoltas, Voigtländers, Yashicas etc. In the meantime, I've even started to develop my own black-and-white films. 

But that's not all... 

What am I supposed to invest my money on? 

You can see my pictures for free on the net - here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster). Because I don't want to do this for myself anymore. In the end, it's also about someone else seeing what I saw. Sometimes I  write blog posts about photography, the why and the how. 

With a little financial support, I can experiment, practice, grow and improve my website. 

I have many wishes: I want to become better. I would like to take photos in places other than Berlin. I would like to scan on a really good scanner (my is... well, it doesn't matter). I would like to shoot medium format. I want to do an exhibition. I want to release a zine. I want to try new cameras. I would like to take part in one or two paid contests

Your money—and that really doesn't have to be much —makes you a part of my pictures. With every Click. Click. Click.