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Become a member of The WWWFTP

The World's Waste Will Feed The Poor and The Elders-SA are two associated forums to teach skills, create jobs and mini-businesses.
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Paket 1 von 3: Plan 1
2,50 € pro Monat
Paket 2 von 3: Plan 2
5 € pro Monat
Paket 3 von 3: Plan 3
10 € pro Monat
Paket 1 von 3: Plan 1
2,50 € pro Monat
Paket 2 von 3: Plan 2
5 € pro Monat
Paket 3 von 3: Plan 3
10 € pro Monat

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The World's Waste Will Feed The Poor (The WWWFTP) were seven words that resonated with me as an IT software company owner. Those in the business will know what WWW FTP stands for. But what I was instructed to do was utilise ALL waste to create skills, jobs and profitable, sustainable mini-businesses for the poor. I need your financial assistance (no matter how small) to keep this Vision going. Email george@wwwftp.org if you want to be a Changemaker. The planet needs YOU!!!