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Job Maseko: A South African Story From WWII

Hey Family,

I'm excited to share that I've been working on a special podcast episode focusing on the story of Job Maseko and other African soldiers during World War II. This episode differs from my usual content, and I've experimented with new techniques to enhance your listening experience.

Firstly, I've taken a more in-depth approach to storytelling in this episode. While my usual episodes range from 5 to 10 minutes, this one clocks in at around 20 minutes. I wanted to take my time and dive deeper into the story, providing more context and details about Job Maseko and the experiences of African soldiers during the war. This meant extra research, some of which I’ve shared with you in a previous post.

Secondly, I've made some changes to the audio production. I've scaled back the sound effects, using them only in key areas to emphasize certain moments. Additionally, I invested in buying music stems for this episode. Music stems are individual audio tracks that make up a complete music composition, such as drums, bass, guitars, and vocals.

Having access to these stems allowed me to be more flexible in incorporating the music into the episode, creating a more immersive and engaging listening experience. I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you notice a difference in the audio quality and how it affects your enjoyment of the episode; basically, did I waste my money or not, lol?

Creating this episode came with its own set of challenges. Balancing the incorporation of these new techniques while ensuring they enhance the story and don't detract from it was a delicate process. Finding the time and energy to dedicate to this project was also challenging as a working parent. Nearly 60 audio elements were used in this episode, with modifications to every track. While I still feel room for improvement, I've given it my best.

I truly appreciate this community. Your support allows me to continue creating content and pushing myself to try new things. I can't wait for you to listen to this episode and hear your feedback. I'll release the episode for the masses sometime this month, but as promised, you get it first.

To access the full audio, click on the recording at the bottom of this post or join me on Patreon.

https://www.patreon.com/Blackhistorybuff (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Thank you for being a part of this journey.



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